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The Rings of Health


Neuro-EmotionalTechnique (N.E.T.)



The human body can be compared to three interlocking rings These rings represent our physical, emotional, and biochemical components. Each ring directly influences the other two rings. We are healthy when our physical, emotional and biochemical aspects are harmoniously interacting. For more than 5,000 years, acupuncturists have corrected the patterns of disharmony presented in patients. In recent decades, clinical research has greatly advanced our understanding of body chemistry and how it is affected by the foods we eat, exposure to toxic pollution, and allergens.


Health care professionals have many supports for the biochemical ring. Now doctors can use a procedure called Neuro EmotionalTechnique (N.E.T.). N.E.T. addresses the emotional component in a safe, effective physiological way by activating the bio-energetic system. It is human nature to have an emotional response to significant events in our lives and then return to our “normal” state of being. Sometimes, however, our bodies hold onto a response and “lock it” into our sympathetic nervous system as a neuro-emotional complex (N.E.C.). Eventually, negative emotions (conscious or unconscious) may manifest as what we commonly know as symptoms. The net result is ill health.


Could someone have an N.E.C. and not be aware of it?


Yes. For example, say a young boy was forced against his will to get an injection in a doctor’s office, and may not have the slightest idea why. Symptoms associated with this N.EC. may result in increased pain and dysfunction or an inordinate fear and exaggerated response, even into adulthood, to ANYBODY wearing a white coat.


How Does N.E.T. Work


N.E.T. acts in the realm of emotional reality, which may or may not be associated with actual historical, physical, concrete reality. By way of example, someone has a horrible nightmare, and after the nightmare, they are scared to death to walk around the corner. This fear has nothing to do with what is around the corner, but rather with that person's perception and physiology that was elicited by the dream." With N.E.T., we can remove the emotional charge that caused the physiological responses. We are not robots that have to respond the same way every time we are exposed to the same stimulus. With N.E.T, we can clear away the blockages that keep us from doing, being, and having what we want to do, be, and have


Emotions are good and necessary. Normally, a person can have emotional trauma, experience the emotion, and release the event. However, if this same person has a neuro-physiological deficit, the same emotional trauma can lodge in the body as an N.E.C. This is a reflex pattern very much associated with the conditioned response in the tradition of Pavlov and his famous dog. Restimulated N.E.C.’s can cause recurrences of symptoms. N.E.T. is a methodology of finding and removing symptoms associated with N.E.C.’s, which are preventing abnormal emotional responses from returning to their normal physiology.


The N.E.T. doctor uses muscle response testing, body reflex points, and semantic responses (physiological reactions to memories or words) to assist and guide you to recall a specific negative emotion and when it first occurred. This engages a physiological response in you. While you mentally hold the emotional memory, the doctor makes the appropriate correction. N.E.T. seeks to normalize a neurological imbalance using an energetic correction, allowing a change in physiology.


N.E.T. does not deal with the spiritual realm. It does not exorcise demons or entities. It does not predict the future or deal in any way, with parapsychology. It does not tell people what their plan of action may, must or should be. N.E.T. does not make claims as to what may have actually happened in the past.


Some N.E.C.’s may be associated with imagined emotional events, such as nightmares or misconceptions.

N.E.T. doctors term all memory events in an N.E.C. as an “EMOTIONAL REALITY” because they may or may not correspond with actual or historical reality. AFTER AN N.E.C. IS TREATED This correction will resolve muscle and meridian imbalances. The underlying negative emotion now loses its impact and is less likely to be restimulated. When an N.E.C. is eliminated, the nervous system can work better.


It is important to realize that the N.E.T. correction does not make life’s problems go away. However, a person with a strong nervous system can usually deal with life’s problems more effectively.


When do N.E.C.’s need to be corrected?


N.E.T. is helpful whenever we are experiencing limitations of structural, biochemical and emotional factors causing ill health. The doctor observes and corrects each of these factors (including N.E.C.’s) as they surface. Thus, your return to health is actually a “peeling” process, in harmony with the timing of the body’s own healing wisdom.


Is N.E.T. treatment safe?


Yes. Qualified doctors correct an N.E.C. safely and gently. The entire procedure is not unpleasant, and often patients express immediate relief following the treatment. Now that the emotional side of the triangle has been strengthened, the patient can make enhanced gains in structural and biochemical health. Please note: N.E.T. treatment is not a substitute for psychological or psychiatric therapy. Patients who show a possible need for psychotherapy are referred to psychological or psychiatric professionals for evaluation and/or treatment. The correction of an N.E.C. is a physiological phenomenon accomplished by doctors trained in N.E.T.


What are emotions?


In the past, people related to emotions as being psychologically based. Now scientific discoveries have shown emotions are physiologically based. “A complex reaction pattern of changes in nervous, visceral, and skeletal-muscle tissues response to a stimulus. As a strong feeling, emotion is usually directed toward a specific person or event and involves widespread physiological changes, such as increased heart rate and inhibition of peristalsis.” -THE LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY.


Recent advancements in neuroscience demonstrate that emotions are an interaction between chains of amino acids, which form neuropeptides, and receptors. Emotions are normal physiological (organic) processes in the body, some of which are pleasant and others which are quite unpleasant. Just as the physiology of muscles can be affected by physical causes, the physiology of emotions can also be affected. A muscle contracting, when and how you want it to, is normal physiology. When a muscle is in a state of constant contraction (or spasm) at an inappropriate time, it is abnormal physiology, and we seek help to relieve what is causing it.

Similarly, when an emotional response is happening at an inappropriate time, it is also abnormal physiology, and we likewise may seek out help to relieve what is causing it. These may be one and the same cause.


Where are Emotions?


We feel different emotions in different parts of our body in different ways. The ancient acupuncturists correlated the different emotions to different organ meridians in our body. For example: fear to the kidney, anger to the liver, grief to the lungs, etc. Although the primary locations for the physiology of emotions are in the brain, spine, autonomic nervous system, and acupuncture circuits, emotions do affect any and all parts of the body in a physiological way. Researchers have now demonstrated that emotional biochemicals travel to almost every cell in the body.




It is worth noting that treatment does not heal the body, food supplements do not heal the body, and removing an N.E.C. does not heal the body. The body heals itself. All “therapies” are only successful if they “remove the blocks” to allow the body’s own healing wisdom to express itself.

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