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Meet Danny Quaranto MD, DOM, NMD

Dr. Danny in the Naturalj Products Pharmacy


Dr. Danny holds a medical degree from the University of Science, Arts, and Technology - Montserrat and has been practicing acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine since 1986.  He trained in China at the Affiliated  Hospital of Qingdao University Medical School, Department of Neurology and received advanced training in Classical Homeopathy at the Bengal Allen Medical Institute, Calcutta, India.


He believes that there is no one technique that will take care of all of the problems that his patients have. Therefore, he has incorporated as many effective modalities into his “treatment toolbox" as possible to be able to handle virtually any problem with which he is presented. To learn more about Dr. Danny.


Dear Patients,

          All too often it’s the doctor who gets all the information about the patient, and the patient gets little information about the doctor and his/her practice.  I would like to change that. 

          My name is Danny Quaranto and I was born in West Newton, MA on February 18, 1949.  I graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture (N.E.S.A.) on June 6, 1986. I am certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (N.C.C.A.O.M.) in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine.  I received my homeopathic certification from the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners. I graduated and received a medical degree from the University of Science, Arts, and Technology.

The joys of my life are my wife, Josefina, who teaches me through example that my greatness is only limited by my imagination, and two young women named, Danielle and Adriana, whom I am honored to call my daughters.  I have been practicing Kung Fu and Tai Chi since 1973 and hold a free class open to the public every Sunday at 5:00 PM at Jaycee Park, Vero Beach.  I also enjoy meditating, playing tennis, basketball and chess, and I am an instrument-rated pilot of single-engine airplanes. 

          I was originally inspired to become a Doctor of Oriental Medicine through my love and immersion in all aspects of the Chinese martial arts.  An important part of Kung Fu teaches that if you hurt yourself or someone else, you should be able to take care of that injury.  In my quest to learn more and to become proficient in this healing aspect of the martial arts, I closed my Kung Fu school and jumped into acupuncture school with both feet and began an amazing dynamic journey that will continue for the rest of my life.  Part of this journey included an internship at the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical School, Qingdao, China where I worked in the neurology department specializing in the treatment of post-stroke patients with Zhu Scalp Acupuncture (ZSA).

Through my endless continuing studies I was introduced to Classical Homeopathy.  This immense study led me to Calcutta, India to receive advanced clinical training at the Bengal Allen Medical Institute.  Interestingly, Oriental Medicine and Classical Homeopathy are based on the same energetic principles. 

          I’ve chosen to devote my life to the healing arts because I have a gift and a passion to share with the world, an awareness that we need to trust the life force that is the only thing that ever heals us.  My highest and only calling is to help sick people become well and to help them become ready and willing to help themselves.  I am eternally grateful that I devoted myself to the healing arts because I continually experience the magnificent miracle of life on a tangible daily basis.  I get excited watching people get rid of the limitations that keep them from being connected to vital force and balance in their lives.  Mental clarity, emotional stability, and no physical limitations are the ideal.  In a word, a patient’s “freedom” is my goal. 

          I believe with all of my heart in the principles of Oriental Medicine, which state that the power that made the body can also heal the body.  All dis-ease is the result of a blockage in the flow of that life force that allows all of our bodily processes to function as they should.  These blockages are caused by and can also cause mental, emotional or physical symptoms. 

          I also deeply believe in how I practice Alternative Medicine, and I constantly strive to improve my God-given talent.  I believe I give an excellent service for a fair price.  I want to help people. I want you to refer and continue to refer patients to me because the more people that experience holistic care, the healthier the entire world will be.  This creates a ripple effect where one person affects one family, which in turn affects one community, one state, one continent, one world, and ultimately one universe. 

          The reason that I came to beautiful Vero Beach and established the Acupuncture Center of Vero Beach in 1989 is that it was a perfect place to raise my children.  Additionally, the higher level of consciousness in Vero Beach has always seemed fertile ground to plant the seeds of awareness that Alternative Medicine must be a first-choice option for health care.  Many people over the years have asked me, “When I’m having a problem, how do I know if I need to see you or my conventional doctor?”  My answer is, “If you don’t have to call 911, you can call me.”  Always explore the least invasive form of medicine first.  If we decide that your condition warrants more heroic measures, you will be referred to an appropriate health care provider.” 

          The mission of the Center is to help as many people as possible in their quest for optimal health and to educate those people so that they, in turn, can educate others about the benefits of Alternative Medicine.  We wish to provide Alternative Medicine to our community as a first-choice option to help you regain your health.  My desire is that people receive and learn care for the entire person (body, mind, emotions, and spirit) with this wonderful comprehensive form of medicine that is safe and effective for everyone including pregnant women, infants, and elderly people, without the use of drugs or surgery. 

          What makes this practice unique is the synthesis of many different technologies that are utilized to maximize the patient’s ultimate potential.  These include all of the nine major branches of Oriental Medicine, which includes Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, Classical Homeopathy in the tradition of Hahnemann, Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET™), 

Natural Allergy Elimination Technique, Enzyme Replacement Therapy (E.R.T.), Jaffe-Mellor Technique (JMT), Acupoint Injection Therapy, Prolotherapy, Bio-Cranial Therapy, Nutritional and Lifestyle Counseling.

Because acupuncture itself is a growing and dynamic part of Oriental Medicine, many modern, gentle and effective techniques have developed.  Therefore, if you choose not to experience traditional acupuncture needling during treatment, I can use other safe and effective methods to help you without using the hair-thin, painless needles. 

          My personal promise to you is that I will do everything in my power to lead you to optimum health and freedom on every level.  I realize that this is a new experience for many people so I welcome your questions. 

I look forward to a lifelong relationship with you and I congratulate you for choosing this office for your health care needs. 


Yours in Health,


Dr. Danny Quaranto

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