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Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on natural laws that was founded in the early 19th century by a German Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It had its greatest popularity in the late 19th century, during which time about 15% of all medical doctors were homeopaths. In many other European countries, this percentage was similar. However, with the advent of modern medicine, homeopathy was portrayed as "old and stodgy" by practitioners of conventional medicine. This trend has reversed recently and homeopathy is experiencing a strong resurgence of interest all over the world. Homeopathy rests on the principle "let like be cured by likes." This means that when a substance is administered in Iarge crude dosages to a healthy individual it will produce symptoms, but when this same material has been diluted and administered in infinitesimal homeopathic doses, it will stimulate the body’s own reactive process to relieve those same symptoms.


The body always does what it needs to do in order to protect and preserve itself. It recognizes this substance in an extremely diluted homeopathic form and then mounts a curative response to the symptoms that are caused by a health condition or disease process that may present with those same symptoms that the homeopathic substance is known to cause when taken in larger doses. An example is Ipecac. If taken in large quantities it produces vomiting, but if taken in tiny amounts, it cures vomiting.


Homeopathy is concerned with the treatment of the whole person, not just the disease name. For this reason, different patients with the same disease name may often be treated with different homeopathic remedies. Thus, the most important part of homeopathic treatment lies in the interview which Dr. Quaranto conducts with the patient in order to determine all of the symptoms which the patient is experiencing mentally, emotionally and physically.  A major portion of the interview is devoted to understanding the patient's psyche. If we take a look at most of the biggest killers in our society nowadays  (cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, to name a few) we find that those ailments are for the most part stress-induced. Stress is not a big animal that is out there waiting to get you. Stress is simply the way that we perceive those things that are happening to us. We can then choose to respond in whatever way serves us.  Since most physical disease is caused by an inappropriate reaction to stress that builds tension and manifests in the form of symptoms, the homeopath must understand the patient's experience of this stress in depth. A keen understanding of what drives the particular things the patient finds stressful and how s/he reacts to these stressors holds the key to finding the patient's cure. Dr.  Quaranto then decides which homeopathic remedy to prescribe based on the closest match between the patient's symptoms and the known symptoms which that remedy produces when taken in large quantities. The ultimate goal of homeopathy is to return to health rapidly, gently, and permanently. True health is freedom, i.e., mental clarity, emotional stability and freedom from physical limitations.




A homeopathic remedy is normally a single substance derived from a plant, an animal, or a mineral that is then compounded in a special procedure which brings out the medicinal properties of the original substance. There are currently about 2000 remedies whose specific effects on the body have been recorded. The effect of homeopathic remedies is strengthened dramatically through successive dilution and vigorous shaking between each dilution. The degree of dilution is referred to as the "potency" of the remedy; the higher dilutions corresponding to higher potencies. The potency is denoted by a number and a letter on the label, such as "12C", 1M, etc. (higher numbers denote higher potencies). Homeopathic remedies are available in different preparations such as fluids, and globuli (small white pellets). They are usually tasteless or slightly sweet. Several of my pediatric patients have told their moms, "I want some Dr. Danny medicine,




Homeopathic remedies are completely safe with no unwanted side effects and they are non-addictive. They are safe for babies, children, pregnant women, and elderly people. Several controlled clinical studies have been performed by medical researchers showing that homeopathy is an effective method of treatment for many conditions.




It depends on the nature of your illness (acute or chronic, long-standing or recent, etc.), your constitution, and the specific remedy is given. In acute cases oftentimes relief can be felt a few minutes after taking the remedy and the first dose can eliminate the condition completely. Chronic cases take longer to respond and a full course of treatment may take many months.  Homeopathic remedies are extremely safe to take because of their highly diluted form. Nonetheless, frequent repetition of a dose without professional guidance is not recommended. 

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