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What is Acupuncture?


Acupuncture is probably the most commonly recognized aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture is the painless insertion of fine needles into the body at specific points on acupuncture pathways called meridians. These points and meridians have been studied and mapped by the Chinese over the 5,000-year history of TCM. Most recently electromagnetic research is proving and confirming these points and meridians. Sterilized, individually packaged, single-use disposable needles made of surgical spring steel are used in every treatment. No needles are ever saved and reused after treatments.


How does Acupuncture Work?


For an explanation of this, let us imagine for a moment that we are with someone who is dying. One moment they are alive and vertical, and the next moment they are dead and horizontal. What is different about that person that 2 seconds ago was alive and vertical, and then 2 seconds later when they are gone? The blood is still there. The hormones are still there. The nerves are still there. The heart, liver, kidneys, and brain are still there. Everything is still there. What is not there anymore is the vital energy that made all of those tissue work harmoniously together.


That vital energy is what we are working with in acupuncture. The Chinese had a name for that vital energy. They called it Qi (pronounced chee). Other cultures refer to that vital energy in other terms. The Japanese call it Ki. The Indians call it Prana. The people in the Kalahari Desert call it Num. The Catholics call it the Holy Spirit. It is all the same. Qi moves the Blood and Blood nourishes the Qi. We start to have health problems when there is a blockage in the flow of the Qi in much the same way that a kink in a garden hose will restrict the flow of water coming from the end of the hose. Unlike western medicine, which tends to treat solely with the purpose of eradicating symptoms. TCM considers the whole picture. Your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being are all equally important pieces of your health puzzle. Your mental outlook, sleep patterns, physical activities, digestion, particular cravings, and even “sluggishness” of spirit, among other factors, are integral to an overall diagnosis of your condition. TCM recognizes your body as an entire organism, with all its functions, interconnected and interrelated. TCM is truly a holistic approach to health.


What Health Problems Can Be Treated by Acupuncture?


TCM treats the full range of diseases, making it a wise choice for treating acute or chronic conditions, trauma, infections, and internal disorders. TCM is an especially excellent choice at the beginning of any illness or disease. Conventional testing has shown that acupuncture will change blood chemistry. hormonal levels, increase natural pain killers, such as endorphins and enkephalins. In short, if you don’t have to call 911, then you can call us.

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